1In 1963 in Addis Abeba on the inaugural summit of the Organization of African Unity the leaders of the countries decided that every year on May 25 they'd celebrate the International Day of the African continent. The organization and its successor, the African Union's objective of unity and solidarity of the African people and to promote economic and political development and cooperation. As in the past 10 years, this year also had an Africa Day in Budapest, at the InterContinental Hotel.

For those who in some way deal with Africa, or are interested in some way the Budapest Africa Day was a must-see, since members of the African embassies in Hungary, diplomats, businessmen and African friends and families gathered. At the event organized with the help of the embassies and in cooperation with the African Hungarian Union Lizeth Pena Satumbo Angolan ambassador greeted the guests. "The celebration of Africa Day is very important and I am glad that Hungary regularly celebrates", - he said in his opening speech.


Sándor Balogh, the president of the African Hungarian Union (AHU) highlighted the importance of Hungary's and Africa's cultural, economic and business partnerships. "It is very important that we celebrate Africa's merits and values once a year. This is what this day is about. The African Union is working closely with the African Hungarian Union. When the AHU started, we wanted to change the stereotypes that the average person had of the poor continent. We knew that Africa had a future, and proved in recent years that it still has it. AHU plays a very important role in Europe, building African relations, and supporting the African countries, and we see that now Africa is a major destination from both a touristic and business point of view. Africa is the future "- said Sándor Balogh, while the guests tried the cuisine of African nations.


"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together "- the President of AHU quoted "I think I proved this day that together we can achieve our goals. Celebrate this wonderful continent! "


Dr. László Szabó, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Deputy Minister said that "this day is very important, as today, there is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between Africa and Hungary. I think that while think that Africa is one of the poorest continents; it also has the greatest potential. We hope that the currently well-established partnerships and cooperation can be further strengthened and expanded. This also helps in the southern opening policy. "


The atmosphere was not only great thanks to the presence of a variety of Hungarian and African guests, but also thanks to the performers who dazzled the audience with African and Hungarian performances. There was the Kizomba Dance Group, the Crazy Girls who showed us Angolan dances, while the members of the Csillagszemű Dance Group presented traditional Hungarian folk dance. The African fashion show, had a number of garments on the catwalk, that combined the European and African elements, but Abdoul Kamara also made a great atmosphere with his Senegalese dance, just like the African Melody Band, with its Nigerian live music and dance show.


The lucky guests did not go home empty-handed however, since there was a raffle with prizes like a unique Toyota wristwatch, a one-week vacation in Tunisia, and a Tropical magazine subscription, among others.

The Africa day in Budapest this year had several hundred guests, which shows how good the relationship is between Hungary and Africa.





Written by Dávid Németh

Photos by György Konkoly-Thege
