Our board members
Balogh Sándor

Secretary General:
Raymond Irambo

Board Members:
Mihálffy Balázs dr.
John A. Sessi dr.
Steier József dr.
Szerbin Éva
Kisvárdai Tibor

President of the Inspector Committee:
Juhász Péter Gergő

Members of the Inspector Committee:
Dr. Gulyás Gáspár
Mazár Ferenc

Founding Members:

† Füssi Nagy Géza dr.
Balogh Sándor
Raymond Irambo
Mihálffy Balázs dr.
John A. Sessi dr.
Steier József dr.
Szerbin Éva
Kisvárdai Tibor
Juhász Péter Gergő
Dr. Gulyás Gáspár
Mazár Ferenc
Misur György dr.
Varga Valéria dr.
Komolafe Omotunde
Mtenga Rogatian
Owolabi Olusoji
Tatai Gábor

Our members

Aderemi Baderinwa dr.
Kádár József
Róbert László
Abebe Dániel, Bebe
Kádár Józsefné
Sliman Ahmed
Al Ghaoui Hesna
Kálid Artúr
Steier József dr.
Al Ghaoui Naima
Kembe Sorel
Suha György dr.
Ashaber Wanna
Kiss Virág
Schumiczky Lilla
B. Tóth László
Kisvárdai Balázs
Szabó Györgyi
Balogh Sándor
Kisvárdai Tibor
Szerbin Éva
Benke Zsolt
Konkoly-Thege György
Szerbin Judit
Benkes Mihály
Lantai-Csont Gergely
Szilasi Ildikó
Bethlen József
Lóránt Attila
Tamási László
Biernaczky Szilárd dr.
Lukács Balázs
Tarrósy István
Búr Gábor dr.
Mamo Grum
Tatai Gábor
Csontos Csaba
Mazár Ferenc
Teszler Borisz István dr.
Danso Mamadu Lamine
Marcsány Anna
Varga Valéria dr.
Fábry Sándor
Mbaye Ndiaye
Venance Wapokurva
Falusi Mariann
Mihálffy Balázs dr.
Vujity Tvrtko
Fincziczki Mária
Misur György dr.
Weisz Fanni
Fincziczki Zsuzsanna
Molnár László
Zimits Sándor
Frei Tamás
Morenth Péter
Zombori Mihály


The African Hungarian Union was founded in 2006, as a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to international aid and development activities focusing on Africa.
The mission of the African Hungarian Union has been to support development in African countries with the help of their own resources by empowering communities and populations, thus ensuring the sustainable processes undergoing on the locations of its projects. We support programs which focus on education, child and youth protection, health and social care, cultural, scientific and academic development.

What we do

The organization have been active on the following fields:

African Hungarian Union


Union headquarters: Őzgida St. 17/1, 1025 Budapest Hungary

Phone/Fax: +361 325-5026


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+36 1 288-0080

+36 1 288-0081



Further Information:

Mária Fincziczki

Media (TV, radio)

Phone: +36 20 / 460-4049

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Zsuzsanna Orzói

Chief of Protocol

Chief Education Officer

Phone: +36 20/211-1669

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sarolta Szijjártó

Goodwill ambassador

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Györgyi Szabó

Child support coordinator (child support, events)

Phone : +36 20/578-8448

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The African-Hungarian Union, together with its humanitarian projects, puts special emphasis on prevention programs that concern Africa.
Due to the Ebola-crisis in Western Africa, international health organizations called for a health emergency. AHU finds it an important task to provide correct, up-to-date information about the virus.
Please watch our video and brows our website and www.globoport.hu for more information about the epidemic.

The African Hungarian Union (AHU) has sent eight successful humanitarian missions to Africa since 2009 in which 21 Hungarian doctors have participated and helped over 21.000 patients. The doctors volunteered without any charges or fees, all the other costs were covered by the AHU donations, donations received by doctors and different sponsors.
AHU sends doctors to Africa regularly, the mission usually takes four weeks. Our association awaits doctors, physicians and healthcare workers who are eager to help those in need.

We ask our volunteers to help our cause by their professional relations. If the above mentioned humanitarian mission raised your interest and would like to know more about our missions please contact our coordinator or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


St. Kizito Babies’ Home was founded to care for abandoned infants and children whose mother or parents have died. However, because of the increasing number of the orphans, the Babies’ home can hardly sponsor the children’s provision and education so they need supporters!

The process:

  • choose the person you would like to support among the pictures
  • send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name and number of the person you would like to support
  • transfer your donation – the recommended amount is 4000 HUF/month

Click here for the portrait gallery (available only in Hungarian).



It is the joint program of AHU and the Foundation named after Archbishop Yohannes, which help Ethiopian orphans and children in the poorest communities as foster parents.   

Supporters can help in two ways:

  • one-year-long symbolical adoption – suggested monthly amount: 6.000 HUF
  • one-time sponsorship - an amount of your choice

Click here for the portrait gallery (available only in Hungarian).



The British association ADEMP is a humanitarian foundation that was founded to help disabled children. It has taken over the work of ADD (Action on Disability and Development) that started a few years ago. Ms. Éva Keresztes has called our attention to their work and the African-Hungarian Union has started a joint child support program together with her in order to help disabled children.

The process:

  • choose the person you want to support from among the pictures
  • send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name and number of the person you want to support
  • transfer the amount monthly, i.e. 4000 HUF

Click here for the portrait gallery (available only in Hungarian).



Let’s build a school together in Bamako! Buy a brick ticket for 500 HUF, which will help the students of private school École Chérifoula to build 3 classrooms. The money can be used only for building the school; we have agreed and set the guarantees for this with the owner and we are continuously monitoring the process.

The process:

  • send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • transfer the amount and write in the message field “brick”. The cost of one brick is 500 HUF.



With only 3000 HUF you can help a gifted but poor African child to finish his schools! It is only the cost of 3 bottles of mineral water!

Supporters can help in two ways:

  • one-year-long adoption – suggested monthly amount: 3000 HUF.
  • one-time sponsorship – an amount of your choice

The process:

  • send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address

Click here for the portrait gallery (available only in Hungarian).



Afrikai-Magyar Egyesület (African-Hungarian Union)

CIB Bank 10700378-44706104-52000001

IBAN number - HU51 1070 0378 4470 6105 5200 0001

CIB BANK Zrt. 1055 Budapest, Szent István krt. 15. HUNGARY

If you need a check, we are happy to send you one.

If you want to pay by check, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your postal address, or you can pick up a check personally from Monday to Thursday, 9.00-17.00 at the AHU office.

Thank you for giving a chance and hope with your donation!



Szabó Györgyi

+36 20 578 8448

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The African-Hungarian Union (AHU) is an international NGDO (Non-governmental development organization). AHU has been organizing development projects for marginalized social groups in ten countries of Africa so far: Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Uganda. It is believed in that what happens in Africa in the global context of our days has a direct effect on our lives thus problems and successes of Africa must be our concern as well. 

Some of our projects

- Volunteer medical missions: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali
- Support programme for schools and children centers: Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mali
- Budapest-Bamako Rally: Organisation of the Humanitarian Program
- Saharun Adventure: Organisation of the Humanitarian Program
- Awareness rising: Afrimage Movie Club, photo exhibitions, lectures, cultural events in various topics at various places


- Business Class, FM 105.9 Gazdasági Rádió, Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m.- 4 p.m.
- Kossuth Rádió, FM 107.8 Saturdays 7:20 a.m. - 8 p.m.
- www.poptarisznya.hu online radio program, Fridays 10 a.m.-11a.m.
- hírTV – Külpolitikai percek
- www.afriport.hu – African news site
- AHU, AfriPORT newsletters


Other references and projects supported by AHU
- Publications: A háború gyermekei (book), Afrika ma (book), Afrika tanulmányok (magazine)
- Africa Day – Formal Africa meeting (2007-2012)
- Africa Summit (Informal Africa-tmeeting and conference) 2006-2012
- Support of the Inter'AFC soccer team
- Torday-Congo Project, Angola-Congo - Magyar László Expedition